Hello From Off Grid: African Youth Debate Climate Change
Join live Webinar - Broadcasting live from United Nations headquarters in NYC and the
E Cube site in Nigeria.
Upcoming event: Monday, 17 July 2023 10:00 - 11:00 AM EST | 03:00 - 04:00 PM Nigeria

When a solar-powered, off-the-electric grid community hub in Nigeria connects with the United Nations headquarters in New York to offer African youth the chance to debate climate change, what do they say? African countries are among the most vulnerable but contribute the least to its root causes. Are they angry with this fate or hopeful that connectivity and sustainable energy offer solutions?

Join us to learn more

Hosted by

Uchenna A. Ekwo, Ph.D.
President of Center for Media & Peace Initiatives
Joe Eta
Nigerian Space Research and Development Agency and the UNDP
Bitsat Yohannes-Kassahun
Lead, Energy and Climate, United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa
Adam Kaplan
Executive Director Omni Cube, A Visionary Village Hub Platform
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